Advanced LinkedIn Targeting Techniques: Going Beyond the Basics

Blog Post Dark Advanced Linkedin Targeting Techniques Going Beyond The Basics

Advanced targeting techniques on LinkedIn aren’t just a fancy add-on. They’re a game-changer. If you’re still using broad demographics to reach your audience, it’s time to step up. And LinkedIn gives you everything you need to get specific. Trust me, it’s worth it. Whether you’re diving into detailed targeting options, nurturing those warm leads back with retargeting, or going full-on personalized with Account-Based Marketing (ABM), LinkedIn is hands-down one of the best platforms out there. 

Detailed Targeting Options: Go Beyond the Basics

Let’s start with the basics, or, rather, let’s move beyond them. There’s still a place for targeting broad job titles like “IT Manager,” but think about layering on skills targeting to really get closer to your ideal customer. 

Take an HR software tool, for example. Targeting the generic “HR Manager” might land you a few leads, but you’re leaving a lot on the table. Instead, focus on specific skills that align with your offering – so perhaps “talent management” or “HR analytics” for example. You want to get as close to your ICP as possible. 

When considering the type of company your HR manager works at, are they an SME, a start-up, or are you looking to get on the radar of large organizations? What industry do they fit into? Perhaps filtering by revenue and growth makes sense too. If you have a target account list, use that to start and then filter down. 

Retargeting: Because People Forget You Exist

Ah, retargeting. The art of reminding people that you exist and that they might actually want what you’re offering. LinkedIn’s retargeting options are perfect for reconnecting with people who’ve shown a little interest but haven’t quite made it to the finish line. Maybe they watched your video, visited your site, or almost filled out a lead form – but didn’t. Frustrating? Yes. Fixable? Also yes.

Campaign Manager makes it simple to set up different retargeting audiences. Here are a few ways we use retargeting: 

  • People who watched more than 50% of your video: Target users who showed significant interest by engaging with your video content.
  • People who visited specific pages on your website: Re-engage visitors who explored particular pages but didn’t take further action.
  • People who opened a lead generation form but didn’t complete it: Reach out to those who were close to converting but didn’t follow through, giving them a nudge to complete the process.

ABM: Let’s Get Personal

ABM is all about creating personalized, high-impact interactions with your target accounts. It’s not just about getting your brand out there – it’s about making sure the right people see it and, more importantly, care about it.

With LinkedIn, you can go broad, targeting entire industries or job functions, or you can get hyper-specific and target individual companies. The trick with ABM? Personalization. And no, I don’t mean just adding their company name to the ad. I mean actually understanding their pain points and tailoring your message to speak directly to them. LinkedIn offers several ad formats that are great for personalized messaging. We particularly love conversation ads, where you can use macros to pull in things like name, job title and company. We deep dive into LinkedIn ad formats here and explore other options to support ABM strategies. 

And to Wrap it All Up

So, there you have it. LinkedIn’s advanced targeting tools let you get laser-focused with your marketing. Whether it’s through detailed targeting, retargeting, or ABM, you’re not just reaching people – you’re reaching the right people. And in a world where everyone’s shouting for attention, that’s priceless. Go further with our deep dive into Mastering LinkedIn Audience Targeting.