
LinkedIn Ad Scheduling and Dayparting – A Comprehensive Guide

Think you cant daypart your Linkedin Ads? Think again. Linkedin ad scheduling and dayparting are possible and simple. Ready to reap the rewards? Lets find out more.

Linkedin ad scheduling and dayparting are terms often used interchangeably, but they’re different. Scheduling means choosing which days your ads run on linkedin (for example, selecting weekdays only when your target audience is at work), while dayparting is choosing what times of day your ads run (such as hitting your ideal prospects first thing in the morning when they’re just sitting down at their desks).

You might wonder why im telling you this, seeing as Linkedin doesn’t support scheduling or dayparting on its advertising platform (at least, not without it being a massive pain). But there is a solution.

In this article, well dive deeper into Linkedin ad scheduling and dayparting. Well look at the benefits, but also the reasons why its currently a challenge. Finally, well show you how to easily schedule and daypart your LinkedIn Ads for maximum effectiveness. Ready to get started?

Why you should daypart your LinkedIn ads

Being able to choose what days and times of the day your Linkedin ads run delivers several significant benefits:

  • You can reach your ideal audience of decision-makers at the time they will be most receptive, boosting ad performance
  • You have fewer ads going out at undesirable times, making your ad campaign more efficient versus your budget
  • Increased engagement with your ad content tells the Linkedin algorithm which creatives work best. Linkedin will then prioritise the best-performing ads, creating a multiplier effect

Look at it this way: theres a reason gambling companies advertise on tv during half-time during football games, or wealth management firms take out full pages in the financial times and city am. Its all about hitting the right people with the right message at the right time.

But how do you do it on Linkedin?

Challenges to LinkedIn ad scheduling and dayparting

Currently, the LinkedIn advertising platform doesn’t support scheduling or dayparting. That’s annoying, isn’t it? But there are ways around it – if you’ve got a bit of time on your hands and you’re super organised.

LinkedIn allows you to set a start and end date for your campaign. But during that set period, you can go on to the platform and manually deactivate it (when you don’t want your ads to be seen) and reactivate it (when you do). 

The problem with doing this is:

  • It’s a massive pain 
  • It’s very easy to make mistakes and end up ruining your entire ad campaign
  • As it’s manual and all changes happen in real-time, you’ll sometimes find yourself having to switch your ads on and off via your phone (there’s no mobile app). It’s incredibly difficult on the small screen and very easy to press the wrong button!

But look, if you still want to give it a try, I created a free template where you can log the changes you make and the impact it delivers. You can create your own copy from this simple dayparting template. Good luck!

Alternatively, you could use Linklo.

Introducing Linklo

Linklo is a new tool that lets you take back control of your LinkedIn ads. It has all the features to make your LinkedIn ads perform better in terms of efficiency, engagement and ROI – and that includes LinkedIn ad scheduling and dayparting.

Here’s how dayparting works on Linklo:

  • On the Linklo dashboard, create a schedule. You can do this at Campaign level or Campaign Group level
  • Set the days and times you want your LinkedIn ads to run. In the screenshot below, you’ll see we want our ads to go out on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 6 and 10am
  • Click Create. And you’re done. It’s that simple!

Linklo gives sophisticated LinkedIn advertisers the functions they need to succeed.

Bonus dayparting tips

Whether you use Linklo to schedule and daypart your LinkedIn ads or you choose to do it manually (seriously, why would you put yourself through it?), here are some final tips to help you find success faster:

  • Don’t assume you know. Experiment with different days and dayparts to find work best
  • A/B test different creatives 
  • Keep detailed reports of your results – and let the data point you in the right direction

Believe it or not, when I was Marketing Manager at a SaaS company, I experimented with manually dayparting LinkedIn ads for three whole months. I would physically go into the platform at 7am to start running ads, then go back in at 9.30am to turn them off. I’d test specific day and time combos throughout the week, as well as split-testing creatives, eBook titles, you name it. And I kept a journal of the whole thing, recording the data every single day. 

The result?

From a starting point of £85 CPL (Cost Per Lead), I got it to a consistent £10 CPL for almost two years.

Ready to get started

Running ads on LinkedIn 24/7 kills your budget and massively increases your Cost Per Lead.

So don’t do it. 

Linklo makes scheduling and dayparting your LinkedIn ads easy, so you can reap the rewards.

Click here to book a demo.